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Autumn 1

This half terms key theme is based around myself, my home & family, my town and country, people who help, buildings & architects, sense of belonging. Alongside this we will be following the key skills and learning knowledge from the cornerstones curriculum topic called Let's Explore! This topic is teaches the children about the environments that they share with others, including their homes, school and places in the local community.

Getting to know you!

We have had a great week in foundation with friends old and new. We have introduced ourselves, talked about siblings, pets and other people that live in our homes. We have had lots of fun exploring new things inside and outside and we are working super hard at tidy up times learning where every thing goes. When we tidy we are learning lots of math concepts such as sorting, matching and stacking. 

Welcome Mass

This week we had a very special welcome into St Joseph's. Father Patrick came and blessed us. We said a special prayer to God and all the other children and our parents came to watch as we received our candle and first se of Rosary beads. We were very careful holding our candles because the flame is fire and fire can be dangerous but we were very sensible and listened to our grown ups. What a wonderful celebration this was!

Story & Rhyme Library visit

This week we had a very exciting visit from Wendy at the library. She fetched lots of activities, props and a lovely story about a magician. We had a great time and really enjoyed all the games that we played to help us with our sharing, turn taking and listening. We can't wait for Wendy to come back and deliver another 'Story and Rhyme session


Our Autumn Walk

This week we learned about all the seasonal changes that happen in Autumn. We talked about which months were in Autumn, what we might see, hear and what some animals do in Autumn. We used leaves that we found to create crayon rubbings and painted trees using a dabbing process with all the colours we see around us. We loved exploring the larger outdoors! 

Autumn 2

Let's Celebrate

This half term we will be learning about lots of different festivals and celebrations that take place around the world and in our local communities. We will create some artwork using many different forms of materials media and different processes to have an pleasing effect. Bring on the glitter! Alongside this we will increase our knowledge of why people take part in th celebrations and traditions and talk about any of our past experiences if we have seen or been involved in any celebrations.

Bonfire Night

Remember, remember the 5th of November! This week we talked about why we hold Bonfire night and listened to the story of Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. We watched fireworks virtually and said what we could hear and see. We made some beautiful pictures of fireworks exploding in the night sky and innovated a poem/song about rockets to the tune of wheels on the bus and how to be safe on bonfire night.

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