St.Joseph's Catholic
Primary School
"Love one another as I have loved you."
Year 1 - Mrs Wardman
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Bright Lights Big City our Geography topic.
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Rain and Sunrays our Art and Design topic.
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Seasonal Change our Science topic.
Maths - Place value to 20
We have been investigating lots of different ways to show numbers from 11 to 20 and the idea of a whole ten (tens ones makes one ten).
Literacy - One Snowy Night (narrative writing)
We have been using the Talk4Writing strategy of performing our story and getting to know it off-by-heart before innovating parts and re-writing as our own story. Using the images below, can you copy our performance of One Snowy Night?
Science - seasonal changes
We have already collected our ideas together about the seasons. We know the names of all the seasons and are learning about how they affect nature. We learnt that there are 2 types of trees - deciduous (which is very hard to say) and evergreen. The difference between them is that deciduous trees shed their leaves in Autumn and evergreen trees keep their leaves all year round. Deciduous trees have broad and flat leaves and evergreen trees have tall and sharp leaves. In Winter deciduous trees will have no leaves but buds on their branches ready to spring into life when it is time and evergreen trees will be covered in tall, pointy leaves. We went on to our school field to find branches from our trees and decide whether they were deciduous or evergreen.
Icy weather
The weather has been so cold recently that we found the water in our outdoor area has turned to ice!
Consolidating our numbers to 20
We have become masters of our number up to 20. We can represent any number up to 20 through digits, number lines, bead strings, tens frames and cubes. We have played games to prove that we know our numbers to 20 inside out. We hid number on a number line using a post-it so our partner had to work out what numbers were missing and explain how they knew and we also played the game 'Play your cards right' where you have to guess if the next number in a line of cards will be higher or lower. We were all very excited and are now masters of our numbers to 20!
Cityscapes in forest school
We used our time in forest school to create cityscapes linked to our Geography topic. We used all the things that we could find on the field to make scenes that reminded us of bustling cities, including London.
London Zoo virtual tour for report writing
We used a video of someone's tour of London Zoo to support our report writing this half term. Using a map, we followed the visitor as they walked around the zoo. We saw the animals that they saw and felt as if we were there! We used our Talk4Writing to perform a report all about Gorillas and then we changed the theme of the report to penguins. To write a report you need to be an expert on your subject matter so we had to do some research into penguins to become experts. We have rewritten the gorilla report to be a report all about penguins. Penguins are our new favourite animal.
Come and See - understanding our Christian faith
As part of our Come and See programme, we have been investigating special meals and the special meal that Jesus shared with his disciples at the Last Supper. We thought about what made a meal special and decided that wearing nice clothes, special food and seeing family, were the things that turned a meal into something special. We used photos of ourselves to dress up in our favourite clothes, made food that we thought was special and then dressed the table (shelf) with flowers and sat everyone around it as we are a 'family' too.
Maths - consolidating numbers 11-20
We took some time to consolidate our understanding of numbers to 20 by playing games and investigating different representations. We covered parts of the numberline while our partner's looked away and they had to work out what numbers were under the post-it note, we covered only one number and made our partners use the idea of one more and one less to calculate the missing number, we made parts of a numberline but hid some numbers and made our partner work out which numbers were missing, we played a game (Play your cards right for those old enough to remember it on TV) using mixed up cards and our partner had to guess whether the next number was higher or lower through our understanding of where the number sat on the numberline from 0-20 and we investigated all the different ways a number can be represented (tens frame, bead strings, dienes or in digits). We loved these games and our maths became much clearer.
Pancake day
We love pancakes! We thought about our favourite topping for our pancakes (linking this into our Meals topic in Come and See).
The Great Fire of London
We had a brilliant lesson looking at The Great Fire of London. Our Cornerstones curriculum showed us a video all about what happened during the great fire. We learnt all about the causes of the fire, why it spread so quickly and how it came to an end. After watching the video and discussing the key facts, the children were given some key questions to answer as groups. They were given white board pens to write on the flipchart paper and some were given some answers to match to the questions. The children were asked to write or draw answer to the questions. Have a look at their amazing knowledge about this event in the history of Britain.
Let's tell you a story
We have been looking at the story of the Elves and the Shoemaker in our Literacy lessons. We used the Talk4Writing method of learning the story and you can see the images in the pictures below. While we were learning about the elves and shoemaker, we found a little elf in our classroom. We think he had come to work in the shoe workshop in our small world area at the back of the classroom. When we came back after the weekend, he had made some beautiful shoes for Mrs Wardman. She loved them. We asked our elf lots of questions and learnt about question marks. We are very excited to see who turns up next...
World Book Day
We had lots of fun in school on World Book Day. We celebrated everyone's amazing costumes and gave out certificates in a school assembly. In Year 1 we made our own books by folding a single piece of A3 paper into a small book. We read some of our favourite books for inspiration and then became an author ourselves and then had a booknic in the afternoon. We moved all the class tables and made a large area in the middle of the room for picnic blankets. We shared the new books we had written and then some of our favourites from the classroom library. We also had a school 'decorate the door'competition. We did one about Funnybones.
Art project
Our art project is linked to the symbols of the weather forcast. We made art to resemble the symbols of the weather by using a range of objects including straws, pom-poms, wool and match sticks. The children had such fun making this art.
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Snowing in March!
We love the snow and when it snowed in March we were over the moon. We made snow angels and snowmen in our forest school session.
World Maths Day
We love World Maths Day at St Joseph's. This year we focused on researching influential mathematicians and maths in the art world, as well as making our own snakes and ladders boards to take home.
We looked at shape with Mondrian art and made our own using lines and primary colours:
We researched the influential mathematician Katherine Johnson. She was a black, female mathematician who lived in America. She worked at NASA and was responsible for charting the trajectory of the Apollo 13 mission to the moon.