St.Joseph's Catholic
Primary School
"Love one another as I have loved you."
Early Years Curriculum Framework
What is our intention for the EYFS?
At St Joseph's Primary School we hold the belief that good early year’s education is essential as it is both a distinct stage in its own right and a firm foundation for future learning and development. Our aim is to develop the whole child socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually.
Our aim is to provide a safe and caring environment to enable children to learn how to work, play and co-operate with others. We aspire to help children acquire self-esteem and a sense of identity, to ensure that they feel included, secure and valued. We will support children to develop a knowledge and understanding of their environment by providing opportunities to investigate, explore and question throughout all areas of learning and development. We will foster positive attitudes to learning, self-motivation, questioning and independence and enable children to communicate effectively through talking, listening, reading and writing. We want our learners to have an awareness of the needs of others and an understanding of what is right and what is wrong.
Alongside all of this, we wish to offer a broad and balanced curriculum which covers all areas of learning and enables each child to reach their full potential. We also believe it is paramount to develop a positive partnership with all those who are involved in the development of the child and work alongside each other to achieve the best possible outcomes for their child. We want to support parents/carers to be committed and involved as much as possible in their child’s learning journey throughout Foundation stage and beyond.
How do we implement this?
In order to achieve what we have set out to do, we follow various frameworks to support the learning and development of the EYFS. These frameworks follow a sequence of progression and provide children with the skillset to achieve the ELG (Early Learning Goals) that are judged at the end of FS2. With consideration to the KS1 National Curriculum, the schools adopted frameworks allow EYFS to be Y1 ready and able to access lessons as they have acquired the knowledge they need to be successful learners in KS1. The frameworks we use to support our EYFS Curriculum are:
RWI (Read, Write Inc.)
White Rose Maths Scheme
Cornerstones Curriculum (To support the subject specific areas relating to Science, History, Geography, Art and DT)
Come and See (Catholic programme to support the UTW and delivery of RE)
Ten:Ten programme (To support PSED)
Real PE (To suport part of the Area of Physical Development)
Each half term we cover a different theme taken from the Cornerstones curriculum and we have designed a curriculum to link learning into meaningful contexts where ever possible. Some learning is discrete and the continuous provision in the classroom has been designed to support all areas of the EYFS curriculum. Some provision is open ended where children can learn and explore through their own time, repetition and reflection and some learning is enhanced by the staff adding extra challenge to allow the application of the skills they are developing. The enhancements are made to support the frameworks that we follow. Adults will also have small focused groups where children may be asked to complete activities independently or with support if needed. Adult led tasks will increase during the Summer term which in turn will support the children for a more adult led environment in Y1. Please see the termly Curriculum Maps attached to this page to find out the learning that will take place.
What impact will the curriculum have for our children?
Children will have developed secure knowledge and skills across the seven areas of learning supporting them with the best possible success of achieving the recommended ELG outcomes at the end of the EYFS. Children will have increased their bank of vocabulary and will use this when speaking and use it in the correct context across the curriculum. By the end of Foundation children will use their knowledge of phonics to read accurately and with increasing speed and fluency. We believe that our children will be ready for the next stage of education especially for a Y1 classroom. Children will also have developed a high level of enthusiasm and engagement towards learning. They will become independent, confident and curious learners who have a range of skills and knowledge to build upon as they transition to KS1.
Our children will have a sense of belonging and show kindness and tolerance to others.
EYFS Autumn Term Curriculum map 23-24
EYFS Spring Term Curriculum map 23-24
EYFS Summer Term Curriculum map 23-24 - Coming soon...