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At St. Joseph’s, we intend for our children to be skilled Geographers who take part in engaging lessons where they develop curiosity and passion to explore and preserve our precious world. We want our children to want to travel the world and experience a range environments, cultures and


We will deliver a Geography curriculum that ensures our children:

  • Equip pupil with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and environments

  • Have a deep understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes

  • Develop an understanding of how landscapes and environments develop and change over time

  •  independent learning through Geographical skills and fieldwork within our local area




The National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage framework provides the basis for our Geography curriculum. The Geography curriculum is taught following the Cornerstones Curriculum where children study one main Geography topic in the Spring Term per year while incorporating smaller 'mini-projects' within the other two terms. Knowledge Organisers are used for each topic which lays out the knowledge, vocabulary and skills that are covered within each unit of learning, showing progression of these areas building from Early Years, to KS1, to LKS2 to UKS2.



Children will:

  • have a secure understanding of the geographical features of their local surroundings (Rawmarsh and Rotherham) and how it compares to other places around the world

  • have developed their locational knowledge significantly so that they can identify the seven continents and countries and major cities of places they have studied in further depth

  • have an understanding of how the Earth is changing and the factors that impact upon this

  • be competent when using maps and other geographical sources, including digital resources, to locate unfamiliar places and navigate along a route




Recent learning and upcoming events

To celebrate Recycle Week 2022, children are learning about the importance of recycling and are writing a persuasive poster in class to encourage staff and children in school to recycle carefully. We have recently received a new recycling bin and have nominated Eco Warriors for each class to monitor their class' recycling habits. 


Recycle Week Competition Flyer 

At home, children are invited to take part in a recycling craft competition to create an animal using recycled materials. Check out the superb entries we had in school! fantastic effort everyone, well done! 


March 2022 Year 1 Local Walk


Year 1 went on a local walkabout.  We decided that our local area of Rawmarsh is a town.  We went on a walk around the local area to see if we could find the evidence to prove that this was true.  We found large roads, with lots of traffic, lots of residential housing, businesses and lots of evidence of community transport.

Spring Term Learning

EYFS Understanding our World 

Year 1 have been learning all about the UK and London as our capital city. 

Year 2 have been learning about coastlines and how to erosion alters them over time. 

Year 3 have been delving deeper into our earth and learning about plate tectonics and the incredible work of Mary Anning. 

Year 4 have zoomed in on physical features of the earth including mountains and rivers. 

Year 5 have been learning about farming and how this occurs in the UK as well as overseas influence. 

Year 6 have been having a chilly time studying the earth's polar regions including important exhibitions that have occurred there 

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