St.Joseph's Catholic
Primary School
"Love one another as I have loved you."
Year 1 - Miss Sausby
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Dinosaur Planet.
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Our Wonderful World.
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Moon Zoom
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Everyday Materials.
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Funny Faces and Fabulous Features.
Click on the image to download the knowledge organiser for Human Senses.
Autumn 1
This week in Year 1 we have learnt all about different materials in Science. We investigated these natural materials by feeling them and asking questions. Miss Sausby recorded all of our describing words on the board.
Writing - The Gruffalo
As part of our writing in Year 1 we have been focusing on the Gruffalo. We started by learning the story and retelling with actions. We described the Gruffalo, wrote story words and ordered cut-up sentences. Then, we innovated this story by changing the character to a new animal. We made story maps to show the journey the new character, a cat, went on.
We are all storytellers in Year 1!
Our Trip to Magna
This week we went on our first class trip! As part of our topic of dinosaurs, we spent a day at Magna investigating fossils. We took part in a 'Discover Dinosaurs' workshop where the children had the opportunity to be real life paleontologists as they discovered fossils hidden in the sand. We learnt all about herbivores and carnivores, and also how dinosaurs would use their senses to protect themselves.
We even had chance to explore Magna, experiencing the air, fire, earth and water zones. To finish the day the children enjoyed some time with their friends in the outdoor play area.
The children definitely had an action-packed day, filled with memorable learning!
Dinosaur Planet
Recently in Year 1 we have been exploring our topic of dinosaurs. We created our own dinosaur teeth using clay, deciding whether to make the teeth of a carnivore or herbivore. We sculpted the teeth into the correct shape, making sure carnivores had sharp teeth and herbivores had flat teeth.
During topic, we also made our very own 'sockasaurus'! We selected our materials, gave our dinosaurs features and even named them.
We the used all of our dinosaur knowledge in writing to create a dinosaur fact file. Watch us act out our fact file from our story map!
Autumn 2
This week an alien spaceship crashed into Year 1! As we came into the classroom we drew what we could see. In writing, we wrote sentences to describe what we saw. We then read the book Beegu and realised this was who the spaceship belonged to!
Recently in Year 1 we have been learning about Remembrance Day. As part of this learning we decorated pebbles as poppies and laid them outside of our classroom. We discussed about how this is a time when people reflect to pay respect.
Library visit
This week, Year 1 spent a morning at the library! We took part in a scavenger hunt around the library, finding woodland animals and plants hidden on the shelves. Then, we had a craft session and decorated woodland animals using leaves, feathers and googly eyes.
Everyone had a great morning and we are looking forward to our next visit!
Anti-bullying workshop
Recently, Year 1 were visited by Anne Foxley-Johnson and participated in an anti-bullying workshop. As part of this, we learnt that bullying is when something happens 'several times on purpose'. We talked about ways we can make sure everyone feels happy in school, such as showing kindness. Finally, we made friendship bracelets which we shared with our kind friends in class. Everyone in Year 1 had an enjoyable afternoon and were keen to share their learning to parents in assembly!
For the past few weeks Year 1 have been learning about Hinduism, specifically the Hindu festival of Holi. We first looked at what Hindus do to celebrate Holi. We decided which parts we thought were important and independently organised them from least to most important. The following week, we learnt about the story of Holika and Prahlad to gain a deeper understanding of why Hindus celebrate Holi. The next lesson, we learnt what each colour of Holi represents and made our own colour wheels to show this.
Finally, to bring together all our learning, we had Hinduism day. We started the day with a whole-school story telling session in the hall, where our visitor Sanita told us the story of Rahma and Sita. Next, Miss Sausby showed us how to make our own Rangolis collages. Rangolis are traditionally used to bless households during Holi. Finally, to get the true experience of Holi, we threw paint! Instead of throwing this at each other, as typically done in Holi, we decided to create a piece of art.
As we entered Advent, Year 1 learnt that this is a special time of year where we are waiting and preparing for Christmas. As part of this learning, we used our class collective worship boxes to plan our own child led worship. We gathered to the sound of bells and placed pebbles on the purple liturgical cloth. Then we listened to the Nativity story and responded with our Advent prayer. Going forth we are going to tell our family how much we love them.
During this special time, we have also been learning about the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus. We all performed and sang in the Key Stage One Nativity. This was a wonderful afternoon as we welcomed in parents to watch.