St.Joseph's Catholic
Primary School
"Love one another as I have loved you."
Our children love maths. We make our learning active and challenging, which allows our children to master the maths curriculum. Just have a look at some of the activities our children experience in their daily maths learning:
We use the White Rose Scheme at St Joseph's as we believe that it create knowledgeable and able mathematicians who have a life long love of maths. It offers our children the ability to learn the language of maths and to use it to communicate their mathematical thinking, to be fluent with key skills, to have a thorough conceptual understanding of age appropriate materials and the ability to confidently apply their knowledge to unknown and everyday situations
Click on the logo above to go to the advice and support page for parents.
We love maths at St Joseph's and we believe that it is a life skill that all our children should have. To learn maths well, you have to enjoy it. We use an engaging scheme where our teachers have the freedom to add, change and adapt things to support their children. We run quizzes and competitions for the children to maintain their motivation with key skills and support their fluency and retention of key knowledge within each year group
We have a TT Rock Star Competition in Key Stage 2 every term. In Autumn, Year 6 were the clear winners of our first competition. In Spring, the trophy was passed to Year 3 and in Summer the trophy returned to Year 6. The children love winning the trophy. It is handed out in Golden Book in front of the whole school with some goodies for the winning class as well as the trophy to keep in class till the next competition.
We always celebrate the annual World Maths Day. This year it landed on Thursday 23rd March and the school used the day to research influential mathematicians, create their own maths based games, investigate maths within art and play scavenger hunt games. Year 1 researched Katherine Johnson, a black, female American mathematician who worked for NASA plotting the trajectory of the Apollo moon landing and other missions into space. The research was a homework task so that parents could be involved in learning about this amazing mathematician and her contribution to world history. A woman to inspire our girls too. STEM subjects are for everyone. An amazingly inspirational woman in a world where being black and a woman should have meant her life chances were limited but she achieved so much more than was expected of her. Let's always aim high for ourselves!
Maths is the most amazing subject. I am biased as I am the maths subject lead in school and I love it!
Use the links on this page to find out about Maths in our school and to find help in supporting your child at home.
Click on the images to download the documents:
School handbook covering
The Intent (our philosophy of maths learning)
The Implementation (how we deliver the Intent)
The Impact of our teaching and learning in school (how well the children like and learn maths)
The calculation policy outlining when and how the 4 operations are taught in school and the resources and representations that we use to teach them.
The curriculum map gives an overview of the yearly programme
from EYFS to Year 6.
A detailed look at the small steps of learning within each year group in the Autumn term.
A detailed look at the small steps of learning within each year group in the Spring term.
A detailed look at the small steps of learning within each year group in the Summer term.
Click on the images to go to the websites.
We use TT Rock Stars in school so all our children should have a login and practice at home as well as in school. Ask your class teacher if you don't know your login. This fun interactive game encourages the children to get speedier with recalling their times table facts. They can compete with other children in the class and even children in other schools.
One minute maths is a brilliant free app from White Rose maths. It is for all year groups. There are 5 areas of maths to choose from and the targets become increasingly more challenging. It times the player for one minute and is intended to be practiced every day to increase skills in the 5 key areas and support children's mastery of the maths curriculum. I highly recommend this.
Sum dog is another fun, interactive website to play maths games. The children don't even realise they are learning. It tracks the children's progress and automatically moves them to the next level as they achieve targets. Coins earned can be used in the shop on their avatars. This is a great site for the most reluctant of mathematicians but there is a small subscription.
Scratch garden have a range of times table songs and other maths songs and fun videos to support learning in maths. I use the 2, 5 and 10 times table songs in Year 1 all the time!
Mr DeMaio is brilliant for putting times table learning to popular music. My favourite is the 3 times table to Uptown Funk. Once you've heard it, you'll be singing it all day!